A Simple Technique for Productive Political Dialogue

Kristine Hadeed
2 min readJan 10, 2022

Ever tried talking politics with someone who has differing views? It can be downright aggravating. But it doesn’t have to be.

I use a method that almost always results in fruitful discussion — even with internet trolls.

The “Yes, and…” principle

A few years back I took an improv class. One of the fundamentals of improvisational comedy is to embrace the concept of “Yes, and…”.

It simply means that when another actor introduces a concept to a scene, you do not contradict it, no matter how absurd.

You accept their version of reality and then expand on it.

How it works

When adapting the principle of “Yes, and…” for hot-button conversations, I do the following steps:

  1. Identify something we both agree on (usually an evidence-based fact)
  2. Express agreement with that part of their perspective (Yes…)
  3. Offer additional information to advance the conversation (and…)

Example: Let’s say I’m having a discussion with someone who thinks homosexual couples should not marry because they can’t procreate with each other.

My first instinct would be to dispute their opinion that gay people shouldn’t be allowed to marry.

However, if I’m using the “Yes, and…” principle, my response might be this:

“Yes, gay couples cannot procreate with each other. And, should the legal protections of marriage only be available to couples if they conceive children?”

This approach moves us from unproductive battles of opinion to productive explorations of fact and logic.

Why it works

Starting with “Yes,” helps build a shared sense of reality. It fosters a psychological feeling of safety that makes others feel like you’re on the same “team.”

You don’t have to agree with others’ opinions in order to affirm their valid observations of the world.

By first finding the “agreement” within a disagreement, you can have respectful and thought-provoking conversations that lead to a better understanding of society’s complexities.

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Kristine Hadeed

Critical thinker and community organizer advocating for the liberation and dignity of all people.